'The Mindful Mehndi Day Retreat is an exciting opportunity for Asian women to embrace self-acceptance and tools of growth in a safe and empowering space. Activities include group EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), challenging limiting beliefs, breath-work, visualization, affirmations and ecstatic dance. Come for a fresh sense of self, love, power and sisterhood. Zainab Mohiuddin is a qualified Transformational Coach and Practitioner in EFT and Matrix Reimprinting and it's her mission to spread these gifts within the Asian community! This is the first event of its kind!
Date: Sunday 24th March
Time: 11am-5pm (10.45 am registration)
Tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mindful-mehndi-day-retreat-on-self-acceptance-for-asian-women-tickets-55018747555'
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Earlier Event: March 23
Saturday Morning Donation Yoga Class
Later Event: March 24
Spring Equinox Chant Out